Friday, September 18, 2009

Heavenly Father, we need your help. The country is swiftly sliding into ruin. We ask that you soften the hearts of our leaders so that they make decisions for the good of all Americans. Guide us, Most High, through one of the most difficult times in our history.

There are more than 10 righteous people on their knees asking for guidance, wisdom, and intervention to turn this country around to continue being the light of the world. We turned from you to serve the Babylonian gods of wealth, fortune, status, luxury, self instead of acknowledging that those things were added because our eyes were on you and followed your path. When the Jews repented, you sent a judge. Jews and Christians alike are repenting and we ask that you intervene to turn our downward slide into an upward climb as we shift our eyes away from the gods of Babylon toward you.

I ask in the name of my Lord and Your Son, Jesus. Amen


Lillian Robinson said...

A wonderful prayer! And so true. As a nation,we have turned our eyes to the false gods of wealth. It is time to turn them back to He who made us!

wenn said...

hi..god bless..hv a nice weekend..