Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am in the second week of Beth Moore's of Living Proof Ministeries Daniel study. In a way it is unfortunate that I'm having to do it alone since the study is several years old, and I am unable to find a church group doing Daniel. It is a session driven study which I did not know when I ordered the workbook. However, the Lord provides and He did. My best friend happen to have the CDs for Daniel and she brought them when she and her husband visited a few weeks ago.

I love Beth's enthusiasm and passion for the Lord as well as her bibilical insights which makes her studies so compelling. I've completed The Patriarchs and Esther studies. In addition, I have a couple of books by Beth, Praying The Word, and David, 90 days With a Heart Like His, and attended a Beth Moore conference in San Antonio last August.

The Daniel study is for me so appropriate at this juncture considering all that is swirling around our heads at this time. I am reminded that God is in control and the study helps me to get my perspective back. If you have not had an opportunity to do a Beth Moore study or read any of her books, visit Lifeway Book Stores, Amazon, or Living Proof Ministeries.

Until next time, pray that God will heal our land.

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